Combined Annual Training Camp_CATC

Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC)

Ncc Camp training is a very important & useful activity in Ncc. In fact, there is no use for Ncc without these Ncc Camps. So, there are so many camps in Ncc. Combined Annual Training Camp is one of those Camps. Combined Annual Training Camp is a regular camp. The basic aim of Camp is to introduce cadets to a regimented way of life.

About The Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC)

CATC is the full form of the Combined Annual Training Camp. This camp is organized within the state under the concerned directorate. The CATC is the regular camp for Ncc activities. Every cadet has to attend this camp for a year. Ncc cadets get an opportunity to live a regimental life in CATC. These camps develop practical institutional training and many life skills among the cadets.  So, Such a Camp is called

Duration of Combined Annual Training Camp

Generally, the duration of the CATC is 10 Days. The cadets have to stay in camp for 10 days. However, they get so many opportunities to enhance their personality, war skills & life skills. These 10 days duration is suitable for cadets to live or be in regimental life.

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NCC Camp Training

Cadets & ANO in CATC

Around 200 to 400 cadets may participate in a CATC. The general strength of CATC is usually around 200 to 300 cadets. The cadets are equally divided into 3 or 4 companies or platoons. These platoons participate in various activities like sports, culture & drill. Many competitions are held platoon-wise. Around 4 to 5 Ano also attends these camps along with cadets.

Mandatory for all Cadets of any wings

It is mandatory for all Junior Division & Senior Division cadets.  Junior Wing cadets have to attend at least one camp. While the Senior Division/ Senior Wing cadets have to attend a minimum of two camps during the period of their enrolment.

Main Syllabus or Content of The CATC

Army-related Syllabus

Army-related content has weapon training, map reading, and Battle Craft & Field Craft type topics. These are the key topics of camp training. Shooting is one of the most popular activities. Every cadet loves shooting in range. Most of the cadets find the chance to shoot in range in their life. So, one of the highlights of the camp is shooting.

Drill- Drill is also one of the key activities of the camp. There is a competition of drill platoon-wise. The cadets get a good chance to learn drills in ten days in CATC.

Fitness & Games

Ncc CATC is good for health & fitness. It also provides a chance to involve yourself in games & sports. As per the schedule of the camp, the cadets have to go for PT in the morning. They have to run & do exercise in the morning. In the evening, they have to involve in one of the sports activities. Therefore, they get a good time for sports & fitness. Ultimately, they learn how to keep themselves fit and healthy. The main games of the camp are Volleyball, thug of war, football, Kho-Kho, etc.

Life Skills & Moral Values

There are so many useful lectures by guest speakers & ANOs. The officers & experts of different departments deliver lectures to the cadets. Usually, these officers or experts are called from Cyber Cell, Traffic Police, Disaster Management, Firefighting, & other departments. These guest lectures cover very useful topics on firefighting, disaster management, rules of the road, cyber safety, etc.

Responsibility of a citizen

One of the Ncc motos is to make the youth a responsible citizen. So, there are some useful classes of the responsibility of a citizen for the cadets. ANOs & PI Staff teach them about the role & contribution of cadets in society. They deliver the Lectures on contribution & welfare of society, unity & diversity, and so on.

Personality Development

CATC is good for developing one’s personality. The cadet can interact with so many people during the camp. He/she comes across Army Officers, ANO of different colleges/schools, guest speakers & PI staff. A cadet has a good chance to learn from these personalities. Apart from this, they are taught how to behave, and how to dress. The camp makes the cadets strengthen their bond with everyone. However, they also get a chance to get to know each other.

Combined Annual Training Camp_CATC
Combined Annual Training Camp_CATC
Cultural Activity

At the last of the camp, the cadets have to perform cultural activities. They dance, sing & perform so many programs. The cultural activities provide exposure & display their talents. The cadets perform group performances as well as solo performances.

Camp Schedule/Daily Routine

Camp Daily routine varies from time to time according to geographical climates & locality. But a common timetable which is used mostly is as follows:

Tentative TimeActivityUniform
5.00 to 6.20 amFall in for Roll Call, PT/DrillLower/nicker T-shirt
6.30 to 7.40 amBreak Fast 
7:40 to 8.30 amTime for Bath& getting ready 
8.30 to 12.30 pmVarious NCC Classes by PI, ANOs & Guest SpeakersNcc Uniform
1.00 to 2.00 PmLunch 
2.00 to 3.30 pmFree time for rest, washing clothes, etc 
4.00 to 6.30 pmSports ActivitiesSports Uniform
6.30 to 7.00 PmFall in & Visarjan 
8.00 pmDinner 
10 PmLight Off 
NCC Camp Training
NCC Camp Training Activities
NCC Camp Training Activities

Advice to the cadets

If you are going to attend the camp, there are certain things to keep in mind. If you do so, you can enjoy the camps very much. So, these are the pieces of advice for those who are going to attend the camp:

  • Always keep in mind that camps are for your army training. It is not for your comfort.
  • The camps are designed to make you tough & ready for the challenges coming in the future. So, accept the challenges if you find any in camp.
  • Always be 5 minutes before the scheduled time for every activity.
  • Always be in the prescribed uniform & said places where you have to report.
  • Don’t expect the comfort & facility in camp you find at your home.
  • Ready to face challenges & discomfort in camp. Actually, you are taught to live in such conditions.
  • Camp is for fit cadets. So, if there is any physical problem or illness in you, don’t hide it and avoid attending camp. Unfit cadets cannot enjoy the camp or they will be returned from the camp.


A camp can become a memorable time of your life. Even, in some conditions, it can be also a bad experience too. Actually, it all depends on your mindset. Although the camp has a very tough routine, yet it is very enjoyable. A cadet can learn thousands of things by attending this camp. It is good for your health and the activities bring confidence in you.  After completing the camp, you can feel proud of yourself. In short, the camp recharges, upgrades & motivates you as a cadet & citizen. So, whenever you get a chance to attend a camp, go ahead and enjoy it. Jai Hind.

Ncc Camp training
Ncc Camp training

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