NCC Camp Training

Ncc Camp | Ncc Camp Training

Ncc Camp training is a very important & useful activity in Ncc. In fact, there is no use for Ncc without these Ncc Camps. Camp training is the practical manifestation of institutional training. The basic aim of Camps is to introduce cadets to a regimented way of life.

What is Ncc Camp?

Ncc cadets get the opportunity to live in a camp as a regimental life. These camps develop practical institutional training and many life skills among the cadets.  So, Such a Camp is called Ncc Camp.

Importance of the Camp

Ncc Camps are very useful for life as well as to accomplished Ncc Training. NCC Camps provide so many opportunities to learn various skills. The Importance of the camps are:

  • It helps the cadets in developing comradeship among the youth.
  • Ncc Camps develop leadership qualities among the cadets. This leadership quality is very necessary for every phase of life.
  • Cadets learn Teamwork in camps. They get the opportunity to live with many unknown other cadets. They have to live with other cadets, have to work with them, and have to perform with them. However, they develop their teamwork skills.
  • The camp training also develops the self-confidence, self-reliance, and dignity of labor in the cadets.
  • Ncc Cadets get the opportunity of shooting activity. Shooting is a very popular activity in Ncc. Cadets can avail of this activity only in the camp.
  • During camps, cadets also find the chance to meet officers, soldiers & other dignitaries. In fact, they interact with them and listen to their experiences in their fields.
  • Apart from regimental training, cadets also learn about firefighting,  disaster Management & cybercrime.

Mandatory for all Cadets of any wings

It is mandatory for all Junior Division & Senior Division cadets.  Junior Wing cadets have to attend at least one camp. While the Senior Division/ Senior Wing cadets have to attend a minimum of two camps during the period of their enrolment.

Time & Strengths of Cadets, PI Staff & Officers

According to the NCC website, Ncc conducts over 1450 camps annually. We can say Ncc conducts at an average frequency of more than 100 camps in a month. However, the approximate strengths of cadets are 400 to 600 cadets in each camp. Such a camp has comprising three to four officers and 15-20 Associate NCC Officers (ANOs). This camp also has the Permanent Instructors (PI) Staff/ Whole Time Lady Officers (WTLOs)/ Girl Cadet Instructors (GCIs). The estimated annual strengths of these camps are more than 8 lakh cadets.

NCC Camp Training

Types of Camp

Republic Day Camp (RDC) is the acme of NCC training. RDC has the biggest exposure & opportunity. However, RDC is conducted in January every year. Besides it, the various types of camps conducted by the NCC are as follows:-

Annual Training Camps/ Combined Annual Training Camps (ATC/CATC)

These camps are held within the State under the aegis of respective NCC Directorates. These camps are organized twice a year. The duration of these camps is 10 days. The main object of this camp is to develop personality development & to introduce a military camp. The cadets get the opportunity to learn map reading, drill practice, PT, & weapon training. Actually, they also get much competition within their company.

NCC Camp Training
NCC Camp Training Activities
NCC Camp Training Activities
NCC Camp Training Activities

Centrally Organised Camps (COC)

Centrally Organised camps are organized by Central Govt. These camps are of all Indian nature. So, the headquarters of DGNCC plans these camps after the discussion with State NCC Directorates. So, only selected cadets, as per the vacancies allotted to each Directorate, participate in these camps. Actually, these camps are a big exposure for the cadets.

The following types of centrally organized camps are conducted: –

National Integration Camps (NIC)

It is also called Special National Integration Camps (SNIC), National Integration Camps, and Special National Integration Camps. These camps make cadets understand and value the rich heritage of cultures.  In fact, these camps beautifully describe the unity of the country despite the diverse languages, traditions, and religions. These camps are conducted on an all-India basis. Such camps help bridge the cultural gap among various states of India. Ncc conducts 37 National Integration Camps every year. In addition, six Special NICs are conducted in the extremities of our country. The venue for These six camps is Leh / Srinagar (J&K), Dimapur (North Eastern Region), Peddapuram (Kakinada), Badabagh (Jaisalmer), Lakshadweep and Port Blair.

Leadership Camps. Six Advance Leadership Camps (ALC)

These camps are conducted every year. In these camps, a total of 1350 cadets attend every year. These camps focus on personality development, leadership skills, and orientation for induction into the Armed Forces.

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC)

Two TSCs are conducted yearly in Sep/Oct at HQ DGCC Camp, Parade Ground, Delhi Cantt. Out of two, one TSC is for SD/JD boys and the other for SW/JW girls. The strength of these camps is- 680 Boy and 680 Girl cadets in each camp.

Ncc Camp training
Ncc Camp training

Nau Sainik Camp

This camp is for Naval Wing Cadets. It is a yearly camp. Boat-pulling regatta and sailing competitions are the main activities of this camp. A total strength of 560 cadets attends the camp.

Vayu Sainik Camp

This camp is for Air Wing cadets. 600 cadets from all Directorates, attend this camp. VSC is generally conducted in the month of Oct. However, inter Directorate competitions & air wing training are held during this camp.

Rock Climbing Training Camps (RCTC)

These camps promote rock climbing & spirit of adventure. Eight rock climbing camps are held each year to expose NCC cadets to the basics of rock climbing.  In fact, these camps inculcate the spirit of adventure. A total strength of 1080 cadets attends the camps.

This is all about the various Ncc Camps. I tried to explain each & every camps that Ncc has mentioned on its NCC Websites. A slight change is expected in these camps over the course of time. So, keep visiting the Ncc website or looking for the updated recent instructions & official letters from Ncc. Hope you will have a better understanding of the camps. Keep writing me or suggest me in the comment box below. Thank you for reading this article till the end.

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