Art Education

How to Draw: Easy Beginners Course

IntroductionHave the wish to learn Drawing, but don’t know where to start? Then this course- How to draw: Easy Beginners Course is for you now…

Why How to Draw course is so important?

(Read- 10 Reasons why Drawing is so important to us)

(Lesson 1 : How to Start Drawing)

  • It’s a base of all art Techniques.
  • Drawing is a Good Therapy
  • Explore yourself to the world
  • Be popular in your social life
  • This skill can change your life

(Read if you miss it- Sketching for Beginners)

What does this course- How to Draw have for you?

(Must Read –How to use Watercolor)

It will teach you:

  • How to start drawing
  • How to draw step by step?
  • Draw with more confidently & smartly.
  • Drawing of what you see around you?
  • The technique of shading?
  • Basic terminologies & their use.
  • Shape Study & their Conversion into Objects.
  • And many more…!
Scribbling Demo

What do you need to start?

Nothing much, you just should have a pencil, paper and an open mind. Basically, you need:

  • Pencil (Simple HB pencil to start with)
  • Eraser & Sharpener
  • Paper or sketchbook

Progress in level & Home Assignments

This course has 6 levels with the required lessons. Especially, every Lesson is framed as per the basic fulfillments for the beginners or learners. However, Homework assignments are also there to track & evaluate the progress of beginners or learners.

My Feedback on Your Home Assignments

I would love to see the response & return work of what I teach them. So you can submit your work as a homework assignment to me. You can submit it on my Facebook Page or send me on my Instagram or Facebook Messenger. Definitely, I’ll feedback on all submitted works. Surely, I will display some selected best work on this site and in the coming lessons.

Stay connected with me

For a better & fruitful result in this free beginners sketching course, please stay connected with me & let me know from time to time about:

  • New Ideas
  • Your problem with-drawing
  • Your doubts
  • Any questions
  • Your feedback

However, you can contact me anywhere as I am available on the entire social media platform. Infect, you can comment here as well.

(Visit my portfolio and watch beautiful painting)

How to draw with pen

Let’s Get Start

Level 1: Free your hand to Draw

This level will help you to build up your confidence to start to draw. However, it will help you to free your arms & hands to draw & sketch. Thus, this is the basic level that can help to develop your drawing skills.

  • How to Start Drawing(Lesson 1): Process of drawing, start, hand movements, practice.
  • Confidence building with the tools(Lesson 2 ): Hand Movement, Line Exercises & practice
  • Shape Study(Lesson 3): Shape Study & Drawing of these shapes, transparent & Solid shapes
  • What you see & what to draw(Lesson 4): Visualization of the thing, Transformation of visual objects into drawing.
  • Object drawing with the help of Shapes(Lesson 5)

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